New Beans
February 24, 2013
Attack of the Clones-
The band received news today of another band in SoCal using our name for thier band. Dear other band using out name: it's time to pick another name for yourself. Can of beans has been around for over 10 years now, so you need to just pick a new name. Try using google next time and find a name that is not already been taken. Seriously, if you are in the band using our name and are reading this, you need to pick a new name now.
Band update-
Can of beans is indeed alive and well. We have all been writing and recording. When we have an album we are ready to release you will hear about it here first.
November 29, 2005
Rumor Control, Mike to Leave the Band?-
Word has been circulating about Mike leaving the band. According to recent industry news Mike has been recording a solo project in preparation for leaving the band. This could not be further from the truth. Yes, Mike is working on a solo project. However it isn't in preparation to go solo. The project is a soundtrack for a upcoming movie due in theaters this summer. "I don't even know the name of the movie" Mike told in a recent interview, " The production company hadn't even named it yet, as production of the movie isn't complete yet." "Basically I have a small role in the movie, and the director who is a big fan of the band asked me do the soundtrack." Mike continued by adding "It's actually a big movie, and all the info is very hush hush, but I can tell you that it is a spy movie, and there is a lot of electronic music, much in the vein of the German Techno version of Something about Monkeys"
More info on the soundtrack will be added as it becomes available.
Reissue and New Single-
It's been quite a long time coming, but a new single is here. The song is call See You Around and look for it to appear on the next album. The song turned up on a lost tape from the recording sessions that were destroyed last year. There is also a couple bonus tracks on the single. The Single is on sale now in Europe and due a distribution error will hit US shelves sometime in January.
Also Digital Metalizer is slated to return to stores with all new artwork. It was due to be re-released so we thought we would spruce up the artwork. For those of you who already have the album but would like the have a copy of the new artwork, look for a pdf of the new artwork to be available for download soon.
For more information on both releases be sure to check the discography.
T-Dog Appearing In New PRS Guitars Ad Campaigne-
T-Dog is now appearing in a new ad campaign for PRS guitars. You can see one of the ads here. When asked about the new venture, T-dog said "It is great to be teaming up with PRS, because they make a great guitar and I am going to get a lot of new guitars for free". T-Dog went on to say "We are in the planning stages of an Artist Model, so it is pretty exciting"
Guitar Planet Interview-
Guitar Planet recently interviewed Mike for it's December Issue which will hit news stands this month. You can read part of the interview which discusses Mike's new Les Paul here.
February 21, 2005
Press Release Form Mike:
Well gang, it's been two long years without a single update. So after many e-mails, many expressing concern of the potential demise of the band, it seems some important items needed clarifying. Can Of Beans, is still very much a band and is not going anywhere, period. Second on the most asked list. "What happened to the double album and the acoustic albums?" Both albums had to be put on hold. All the music was recorded, and finished for both the acoustic album, and the studio album. Unfortunately, the main studio recordings were stolen from the studio and destroyed by the thief in an attempt to get rid of the evidence. (Legal action is still pending.) The backup copies were also destroyed by an studio tech when the rap group "GONE2FAR" recorded their album over the back up copies. Incidentally, the group disbanded only days after completely copying over the albums, and after listening to their recordings in the hopes of recovering some of our work, maybe GONE2FAR's demise wasn't such a bad thing. (on a side note though, I think I had their song "My Crack Hoe is High Maintenance" stuck in my head for a week). Anyway, with the events leading up to the recording, and the loss of the recordings. And everything else going on, we finally took the hint and went on a bit of a hiatus. Darren has been spending time with his family. T-Dog has been working on another solo project. And me, I've been trying to learn the Ukulele, (don't hold your breath for a Don Ho cover album). The good news though is we will be back in action this spring, and with that more updates. Just want to say thanks to everyone for the kind e-mails that have come in the last year, they have really helped a lot - Mike. - VIVA CANOFBEANS!
February 13, 2003
The band was on hand to accept the award for Best New Artist at the European Music LIVE! awards. Mike is quoted as saying "It's kinda strange winning best new artist, we've been around for a couple years now, but Something About Monkeys was huge in Germany last year." Darren added "I think the video we did for it in Germany was really great, it was basically a mini spy movie with explosions, shoot outs and fast cars, it had nothing to do with the song till the very end when you see the spy is a monkey, apparently MTV America didn't get the humor." T-Dog continued "The video was genius, or at least we thought so at the time." You can see a picture of the band accepting the award here.
November 26, 2002
Mike was on stage last night at the opening night of bell artist Corrina Reyenga's US tour. Mike appears on the album on the track "Orangutan". Mike was quoted after the show, "The song is truly bizarre, but in a cool way". Corrina also stated "Since the song was named after a monkey it made sense for Mike to play on it, he played some out there stuff and the song just kinda developed from there". There are no plans for Mike to continue on the tour. You can see a picture here.
November 25, 2002
New Q and A-
New set of question and answers form you, check it out in the Music page.
November 25, 2002
New Solo Albums, Side Projects and Appearances-
Mike's Punk band Side Project Nonsense Monkey should have a new single in stores in January called "Good Bye Blue Ranger".
T-Dawg is also working on his first solo album since "TV Theme Songs From Spy Movies", the working title as of now is "Space Invaders Ate My Shorts"
Darren will be in a featured article in Car Audio next month. He is quoted as saying in the magazine. "The subs in this car are the only subs in the world that do the German techno version of the song (There's Something About Monkeys) any justice".
November 22, 2002
Departures, Tour Updates-
Press release form Mike:
"Well the rumors are true, the tour stopped because our other guitar player has left the band. The timing really sucked and a lot of people were disappointed that we had to cancel the shows, but people have to do what they have to do there is no explaining it other than that. It was embarrassing that we had to stop the tour and we alienated a lot of fans and the guys and I are sorry about that. It all could have been handled better, but it is done now and the band is actually in a good place right now. Can of Beans will continue on, in fact we have 2 new albums in the works in the wake of this. The first is a new studio album tentatively to be name "Monkey Palace" (Darren's idea), which should be in stores sometime next spring. The other album is an all acoustic album that was recorded when we were figuring out what to do about the rest of the tour. It's just T-Dog on an acoustic bass, Darren on some congas, and me on an acoustic. It's really simple and stripped down. It turned out well, and is sort of an apology for the fans that got refunds instead of a concert. We haven't decided if there is new guitar player in the bands future, we may just leave it a 3 piece for now. Be excellent to each other...party on.....Mike"
New Single-
A new single is being prepared as we speak, it should be available before Christmas, it is a track from the new acoustic album., the b-sides are still in the works. the title and single artwork should be up soon.
New LIVE album due in stores June 31st